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Your donations make it possible for these children to continue to receive education and resources.  The partnership between Bethany Centre Alliance and the School prevents the necessity of third party fundraising programs that many times take large percentages of money raised.  The maximum amount of funds go directly to the school operating expenses and school facilities.

Checks to Bethany Centre Alliance can be mailed to:

Bethany Centre Alliance, 1150 Baird Dr., Baton Rouge, LA   70808

or click/scan the QR code to donate through PayPal

            Sponsorship Opportunities


Sponsorship of both children and teachers is one way that we believe would bless both giver and child or teacher.  Knowing who specifically is being supported and having contact with that person can be a connection that shows God's love in a more tangible .  If you are interested in being paired with an individual child or teacher, here are the available options:

$25 a month will help sponsor a primary child attending the school as a nonboarder.  This will cover the cost of tuition, uniforms, school supplies, transportation and a meal

$35 a month will help sponsor a primary child that is boarding at the school, covering tuition, uniforms, school supplies and all meals.

$50 a month will help sponsor a child attending high school as a boarder, covering tuition, uniforms, school textbooks & supplies and all meals.

$100 a month will help sponsor a teacher, contributing to their monthly salary.


Your donation will ensure that they may continue to grow in “wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and Man.”  (Luke 2:52)

Fundraising Events

Every 2 years or so we have a fundraiser to benefit the school.  Check out the "News and Event's for the latest and make sure we have your email address to let you know when the next event is.

Thanks for submitting!

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